Monday, February 7, 2011

OOooh TexXas..

I just want to take a minute, to talk about this past week in Texas.
Texas is crazy. The weather is temperamental, we all know this; but, it is a little hard to know how to react when it is literally sunshine and humidity one day & talks of snow and ice the next...
that being said, there WAS a huge coldfront, not denying that in the least. Some parts of the country were literally covered in feet upon feet upon feet of snow (almost must mention my friend's mom who did not forget to remind her daughter that once upon a time she had to hike to school in 5 or more ft of snow), airports all over the country were shutting down..
So we get word that we might, might- get a few inches of snow- 3 at most.
people-go-crazy. offices are closing, people start driving like its 2012 and the world is ending, school is out..
did I forget to mention this is the same day that the groundhog did NOT see his shadow- lettting us know that winter is over.
Friday came around... yes, there was ice on the roads- and I was dumb enough to drive on them, after I found a freeway that was open...
but, it was barely colder than any other day this winter
and we did NOT see snow.
my classes were still cancelled on Thursday, and I did not have to go to a convention for teeth on Friday
no complaints, but in conclusion just want to say that texans would not know how to handle a real snow day.
i <3 tx.

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